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Using CoreDNS for Service Discovery

This page describes the CoreDNS upgrade process and how to install kube-dns instead of CoreDNS.

Before you begin

You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using Minikube, or you can use one of these Kubernetes playgrounds:

Your Kubernetes server must be version v1.9 or later. To check the version, enter kubectl version.

Installing kube-dns with kubeadm

In Kubernetes 1.11, CoreDNS has graduated to General Availability (GA) and is installed by default. To install kube-dns instead, set the CoreDNS feature gate value to false:

kubeadm init --feature-gates=CoreDNS=false

Upgrading an Existing Cluster with kubeadm

In Kubernetes version 1.10 and later, you can also move to CoreDNS when you use kubeadm to upgrade a cluster that is using kube-dns. In this case, kubeadm will generate the CoreDNS configuration (“Corefile”) based upon the kube-dns ConfigMap, preserving configurations for federation, stub domains, and upstream name server.

If you are moving from kube-dns to CoreDNS, make sure to set the CoreDNS feature gate to true during an upgrade. For example, here is what a v1.11.0 upgrade would look like:

kubeadm upgrade apply v1.11.0 --feature-gates=CoreDNS=true

In versions prior to 1.11 the Corefile will be overwritten by the one created during upgrade. You should save your existing ConfigMap if you have customized it. You may re-apply your customizations after the new ConfigMap is up and running.

If you are running CoreDNS in Kubernetes version 1.11 and later, during upgrade, your existing Corefile will be retained.

What's next

You can configure CoreDNS to support many more use cases than kube-dns by modifying the Corefile. For more information, see the CoreDNS site.


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